"Our values journey will help unify our campus and recognize how we better support and serve our students, each other, and the community around us."

UNT Events
Meet Our Values Kickoff
January 26, 2023: 3:30 pm
University Union Emerald Ballroom 314
View the video of the kickoff
Courageous Integrity
February 6, 2023
We Care
February 13, 2023
Better Together
February 23, 2023
Be Curious
February 27, 2023
Show Your Fire
March 6, 2023

HSC Events
Meet Our Values Kickoff
February 3, 2023
9:00 am - 10:00 am
MS Teams: Join the MS Teams meeting!
Weekly Values Focus
11a.m. - 1p.m.
OCE Kiosk
- Courageous Integrity: February 9, 2023 - IREB Café
- We Care: February 14, 2023 - MET Café
- Better Together: February 23, 2023 - IREB Café
- Be Curious: March 1, 2023 - MET Café
- Show Your Fire: March 9, 2023 - IREB Café
Supervisor Events
Rescheduled January Flash Call with Jeanie Foster and Stacy Boe
February 6, 2023: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
LIB 400 and MS Teams
"Leading the Values Launch" Supervisor Roundtable
February 7, 2023: 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
MET 109-111 OR
February 15, 2023: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
IREB 230
February Flash Call with Desiree Ramirez, SVP and Chief Integrity Officer
February 22, 2023: 3:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
MS Teams
March Flash Call with Provost Charles Taylor
March 30, 2023: 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
MS Teams
Values become official System-wide March 6
OCE Resource: Department meetings upon request after March 23

UNT Dallas Events
Meet Our Values Kickoff
January 19, 2023: 12 noon – 1:30 p.m.
College of Law, Law Commons
Show Your Fire
February 9, 2023
Wear any UNT Dallas branded shirt to campus and attend Trailblazer basketball games.
Women play at 6 p.m. Men play at 7:45 p.m. Both games at
Trinity Basin Preparatory Athletic Complex
All Values Reminder
February 10, 2023: 9 a.m.
Student Center Campus Hall at Town Hall meeting
Speaker: Dr. Macario Hernandez
We Care
February 17, 2023: 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Volunteer at the North Texas Food Bank mobile giveaway at UNT Dallas main campus parking lot. Clothing, food, and monetary donations accepted to the UNT Dallas Care Pantry.
"Cookies and Coffee" because WE CARE.
February 17: 2pm - 3pm
College of Law - 2nd Floor Foyer
Better Together
February 21, 2023: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 - 2:30 p.m.
at Welcome Center at UNT Dallas main campus and Law Commons UNT Dallas College of Law; morning and afternoon services of s'mores, coffee, hot chocolate and water.
Be Curious
February 27, 2023

UNT System Events
Meet Our Values Kickoff
February 3, 2023: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
MS Teams: Join the MS Teams meeting!
Courageous Integrity
February 6, 2023
We Care
February 13, 2023
Better Together
February 23, 2023
Be Curious
February 27, 2023
Show Your Fire
March 6, 2023
How can you get involved?
As we continue along this journey together, there will be several ways to engage and ultimately become a Values Champion. To help us continue this important work and prioritize areas of focus that will lead us to a values-based culture, we will work with campus leadership to appoint several councils and committees including: UNT System Values Council, Campus Values Committees (four committees, one for each institution), UNT System Hiring Workgroup, UNT System Rewards & Recognition Workgroup, and the UNT System Performance Management Workgroup. These groups will be comprised of representatives from across with system with various expertise and backgrounds.
If you have ideas or feedback, please fill out this feedback form.
System-wide Committees
- Cross-enterprise representation
- Integrate values into processes
- Communication
- Hiring
- Recognition
- Accountability
- Establish uniformity and consistency
Campus Committees
- Linkage to enterprise committees
- Implement System-wide values and processes at campus
- Values Advocates
- Promote inclusion and engagement
- Create values awareness
- Celebrate values
- Recognize people living our values
Listen, Learn, & Give Feedback
- Attend values rollout events
- Submit ideas and feedback via this feedback form
Join the Journey kicked off in October 2022
The information sessions took place in October 2022 and were hybrid, meaning they were in-person and online. One of the sessions is below for your viewing.
Please view the presentation slides that were presented at the information sessions.
What is the benefit of a values-based organization? It gives us a sense of one team, a sense of how to engage and support each other. Importantly, sharing a common purpose gives us a sense of unity.
If you can't understand what is going on, it's hard to collaborate and have trust. Communications is not a monologue. It needs to go both ways. In this environment, we need to start at the campus level and move up so that our job is to make sure we help the campuses achieve their goals.