Compliance & Ethics Resources

Ethics and Standards of Conduct Policy

The Ethics and Standards of Conduct policy is the Code of Conduct System Administration employees are expected to model in order to instill ethical decision-making, behavior, results, and trust and confidence in the integrity of the entire UNT System. 

Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing Policy

The Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing policy sets out the expectations for employees, third-parties who act on behalf of the UNT System, and other individuals to make good faith reports of suspected wrongdoing, and the prohibition against retaliation toward those who make good faith reports of wrongdoing, participate in related investigations or seek guidance from the UNTSA Compliance & Ethics Program.

Compliance and Ethics Program Policy

The Compliance and Integrity Program policy sets out the structure and process to identify, assess, monitor, oversee and ensure System Administration employees and third-parties who act on behalf of the UNT System comply with applicable laws, Regents Rules, System Regulations and System Administration policies.

Compliance & Ethics Program Ethics Advisory Opinions

UNT System Administration Compliance and Ethics Program advisory opinions are official responses to questions regarding the application of System Administration policy to specific factual ethical situations. These advisory opinions are issued when the factual situation has broad application to the UNT System community.

Texas Ethics Commission Ethics Training for State Officers and Employees

The Texas Ethics Commission Ethics Training for State Officers and Employees familiarize public employees with ethics laws governing their conduct as a public servant. For further guidance, UNT System Administration employees should consult the UNTSA Compliance & Ethics Program.

Texas Ethics Commission Opinions Directory

Texas Ethics Commission Advisory Opinions are the Commission’s official responses to questions regarding the application of state law to specific or hypothetical factual situations.